Santa Claus getting adventurous…

Santa Claus getting adventurous…

Santa seems to have been steered off-course.

Or is he in search of something?

What’s missing?

If you had access to our devoted friend via cell phone, what three questions would you ask him? Write up a quick conversation you might have with him.

If it helps, use the script format:


Your virtual teaching assistant…

Your virtual teaching assistant…

hands keyboarding on a laptop computer
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on my last 12 years in schools supporting teachers’ work with instructional technology.
Fun and rewarding.

As a classroom teacher for 22 years, I knew the challenges and time constraints teachers faced and I wanted to bridge some of those gaps.

Plus, it opened up some avenues for creating my own content to help them out.

So, why not see if I can help teachers from my home?

And under the watchful eye of my own teaching assistant…

Here is my FIVERR gig page where I offer my services.

I am offering to:

— create curate-compile-and-post digital resources, photo libraries [public domain/copyright-free]

— write and publish short ebooks

— create short tutorial videos, including tools such as the iOS Clips app and Doodly. (Scroll about 2/3 down the page for samples.]

— include art lessons/sample projects offered by my wife, an art teacher in the local school district

— produce digital content tailored for a specific audience [i.e. your students]
— — — slide decks [PowerPoint/Google Slides]
— — — creativity-based activity guides that you can reuse/customize for your topics of choice.
— — — concept lists [i.e. brainstorming lists] Here is screenshot of about 5% of what I usually generate.
— — — end-of-unit culmination collections of your students’ content. [No student names, please. If they slip through, I promise privacy and confidentiality.]

Make Your Own Blackout Horoscope/Poem

Make Your Own Blackout Horoscope/Poem

Greetings, visitors/creators/students/teachers. [Talk about hedging your bets…]

Here is another Blackout Horoscope. No surprise, but practice makes not perfect, but easier.

How to make one of your own?

Here is a demo…which I will be adding to my Expo project on Teachable.

I think this kind of exercise would be fun to try for learners and teachers alike.